Friday, January 16, 2015

It couldn't of been a month since the last post...

But it IS pretty close. I see I have four unpublished drafts in the draft folder, so it isn't like I didn't even THINK of posting.
So, Happy New Year.
Before the month was half over, I was given a huge pile of stress to pray about.
But you know what?
God's got this. There isn't anything He wasn't aware of as dark places have come to light. Once God's light has shone on the dark places and exposed them, healing starts.
My stress and worry hasn't done anything but kept me awake and made my stomach hurt.

Daniel and Sam are about 50 days out from leaving for the Appalachian Trail. Their potential sponsor is taking their sponsor request with him to an Outdoor Gear Trade Convention in a couple of weeks- so they have the possibility of obtaining even better gear with the latest and greatest features!

This coming week is bringing us grandson Connor's 14th! birthday. Where has time gone? He and Alana will get to stop by this weekend, and I let time sneak up on me so much I don't have time to order him a birthday gift online, as I usually do. I need to go shopping and get back here before Dan has to leave for work. So this is short- please keep our family in your prayers.

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